
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

As far as the kids know, Halloween was on Thursday (the day we dressed up and got candy).
We've spent the last few days pretending it's November ... and taking it easy.
We kept our Halloween super low key, but that's just how we needed it this year!

We opened up the popcorn package from my grandparents (GP & Grammy) and watched a movie.
 Super low key and super fabulous!
Happy Halloween Everyone!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Grocery Store Suckers

I wasn't having the worst day of my life, but after driving over an hour to pick up a table that wasn't big enough, getting lost, and then my phone falling out of my bag into a puddle in the grocery store parking lot, it certainly wasn't the best day either. The kids were, surprisingly, behaving as we walked through the fruits and vegetables; Aaron calling out items from his imaginary list and saying, "check" each time one ended up in the cart. A store worker saw us and asked if my kids wanted lollipops as he unpacked the bulk section. Not wanting to buy candy, I politely declined and we pressed on. He knew I misunderstood his intentions, and after grabbing two sucker's, chased me down to ask if he could offer them to my kids. The kids were ecstatic and I was grateful for a ray of sunshine through the rain.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Precoa Halloween

I love Halloween, I absolutely love it!
However, trick-or-treating with kids is difficult in the cold, so we don't go out ... and no one trick-or-treats to our home, so I don't decorate our yard ... and usually we host a party, but most people already had plans this year, so we didn't ... BUT, luckily there is trick-or-treating at Precoa to motivate me to do costumes! As always, we are family themed and this year it was my turn to choose, so we were ... The Incredibles!
As always, I found items from the thrifstore and went from there. Not bad, huh?
It is important to note that Audrey was not Violet. She had to be Dash, just like Aaron. 
**As we walked around, Eric would say, "I wasn't sure about the costume theme, but when Jessie put her costume on I said, "I will do anything that you want!" LOL - he sure knows how to make me feel good!
I need to get something to make my camera look more interesting ...
 I was worried Audrey would be shy, but when candy is on the line, she'll do anything! She wandered into people's offices and would strike up a conversation with a stranger as she searched their desk for candy :)


  Adelynn fell asleep right away and stayed that way for the whole time, haha. Love it!
 After we toured all of Precoa, we retreated to Eric's office to enjoy caramel apples!
 Thanks, Precoa!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Primary Program

Being in Sunbeams, Aaron is now old enough to participate in the Primary Program!
Eric's mom, co-worker, Tyler, and Tyler's girlfriend, Allyson came to support him!
He was apprehensive about going on the stand since he had missed the practice the day before, so I went up with him. We had a chat in the hall about why he found it scary. Soon, he felt brave enough to go up. He started out on my lap but soon moved over to his own seat. He was shy when he realized people were looking at him, but I told him everyone out there loves him and wants him to do well. I told him to look for Daddy, Gramma, Tyler, Allyson, Audrey and Adelynn. Each one of them was cheering him on silently. When it came time to say his part in the microphone, he marched right up there! The prompt was "How do we show love to others?" and his answer, that he wrote himself was, "By helping Mama take care of Audrey and Adelynn." After he said it confidently in the microphone, he got down off the stool and marched right back his seat - in the audience. I told him the program wasn't over, but he said he was done. haha. So he participated from then on in his seat with his family :)
 I may or may not have forgotten to get one of Aaron with Eric and I ... whoops.

Aaron loves to sing the songs around the house, the best he can :)

So proud of you, Aaron! Way to be brave!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Cousin Party!

Katie and Annie both have Halloween time birthdays, so they decided to combine their parties and Halloween Theme it! So, I made some costumes for the kids :)
Audrey's is purchased and then altered. Aaron and Adelynn were sewn/put together from things around the house. Fun, huh? They are Rapunzel, Flynn Rider and Pascal from Tangled!
Aaron's "smolder" is pretty good, huh?
Pretty cute, huh?!? I just love these kids!

 The party was a lot of fun!
Annie and Aaron have become best friends. They talk about each other all the time! Love it!
My favorite part of the evening ... Audrey was struggling having so many people around. So she took my hand and said, "come on!" Off we went down to the log area of Eric's Parents' backyard. We walked along the logs as she counted them. She held my hand and would call out, "ok, stop! Picture please!" She'd point to something as I adjusted my exposure and snapped her picture. Isn't this adorable!?! I loved that one-on-one time with her!