
Monday, August 10, 2015

Papa's Visit

My Dad came to visit for Adelynn's Blessing and for my Birthday!
He came bearing gifts for the children :)
Who do you think wears it better?
 We built epic train tracks that we combo'd with awesome lego creations (by myself and my dad). Car track games of chicken were also popular!
 For my birthday, we kept it low key. We were going to go to the beach, but it was raining there, so we opted to do our tinfoil dinners and s'mores at home. 
 Yes Audrey, that is exactly what you are supposed to do with the corn holders...
 A lady bug came and wanted to join our picnic!
 Our s'mores were tricky... all the big marshmallows had been invaded by ants! So we came up with this method - putting all the small ones on a cast-iron pan - then transferring them to our crackers.
It worked really well! 
 Who wants a sticky kiss?
 My dad brought glow-sticks for the kids, which they thoroughly enjoyed!
 Audrey in particular - our little Accessory Diva! 
Audrey also loves to sing with Papa!
Church on Sunday was exciting with Papa there!
 It was Aaron's turn to read the scripture. Good thing Papa was there to help!
While we were at church, Eric started talking about his calling in the Priest Quorum and mentioned the YM President is the Chief Architect at Nvidia. Then Eric said his name, Darrel Boggs. My dad did a double take ... it turns out that my dad and Darrel went to Engineering School together 20+ years ago! And my good friend, Stephanie - Darrel's daughter, and I used to play together when I was super little!
Such a small world!
 After church came Adelynn's blessing... and a very tired Papa. Audrey wanted to snuggle though, even though he was exhausted.
  It was hard to say good-bye!
 A piece of my heart went to Utah with my dad... We miss you already!

1 comment:

  1. ok I'm seriously loving your hair! it's gorgeous!! and the chalk is amazing!!!


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