
Monday, August 10, 2015

Hornibrook Talent-Show Shindig

Every year, the Hornibrook Clan does a talent-show of sorts for the grandkids to perform in.

This year, we expanded it to include the adults too!

Rachel was in town so we all got together (here she is holding Adelynn when she came over to our place to play games).

Our little family headed over early to get in more play time!

As always, that means swings and tractors!
Never too old to play on the trampoline ... am I right?!?
 All of us "kids" played a fun new game Jon got called Flick 'em Up and it was a blast!
 Then the talent show began. Many of the grand-kids put on skits or other fun things.
(My kids were content to dance to the music in between other performances -- we tried to have them actually perform and neither child was feeling it...)
 The adults also participated. We did a lip sync battle! Boys vs Girls. We each did the ending song from the movie Pitch Perfect (gender specific). Oh my goodness, it was so much fun!
However, the video documentation of it will not be put on the blog :)
So, Aaron, Audrey & Adelynn, when you come across this post in the future, just ask and I'll play the clips on my computer for you. (p.s. Eric did AMAZING!!!)
Now, I know you're sad ... but, how about this?
Eric played his Irish Drum as a precursor to the talent show after Adelynn's blessing yesterday.
(It was totally improv, not planned, and it's been quite a long time since he's played ... but he's still amazing!)
I'll give you a clip of that.
Yeah, he's fantastic, I know. Look at how fast his fingers fly!

Man, I am so grateful to have these ladies (my sisters) to call my best friends!
And I'm so glad Eric has his brothers close by!
Eric and I both felt like this was one of the funnest family gatherings we've attended!

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