
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Audrey is 18 Months!

Audrey turned 18-months-old today!
I can and I can't believe it ... I can believe it because she has SO much personality!
I can't believe it because I have a hard time wrapping my head around how FAST the last 18 months have gone!
 She loves to get her picture taken. She sees my phone or the camera and instantly says, "cheese!"
 It produces the cheesiest smile and I adore it!
Today would have been Audrey's first day in Nursery, but we were all way too sick to go to church - we'll try next week. For now, you can entertain yourselves with some fun photos and videos that show Audrey's personality pretty well :)

Obviously, Audrey has her moments where she is truly upset (though they are pretty rare), but this is generally how she reacts when something doesn't go her way. To us, it's pretty hysterical.
I was doing laundry and discovered that Audrey had come across a cucumber in their room - Aaron must have brought it up a while back for a snack. She was trying to eat it - ew. So I extracted the cucmber and she was ... unhappy. Haha!
As you'll see depicted in EVERYTHING, Audrey is a diva. She is a drama drama drama queen.
She also loves to look like a diva. She is obsessed with accessories.
She puts on her own headbands and necklaces and bracelets and then will bring me sweaters and coats and socks that she wants me to help her wear. Adorable!
Audrey has a TON of words that she says now and she's great at putting together 2 word phrases. 

 Audrey loves to bring me things and organize!

Music and Dancing? Nothing better!
We still LOVE to be outside! Especially when it's in the 50's for weather!
Here are a few more adorable videos!
I started this video because everytime Audrey "leaves" she blows 800 kisses, waves, and says "bye bye." I got my camera out a little late to get her entire routine, but then she comes back for some awesome dancing!
Audrey is incredible at letting me know what she wants/needs.
Audrey loves shows that ask for audience involvement! She really gets into it!
These pictures throw me for a loop! I can't believe how old she looks! She's turning into quite a beauty!
Some days, when Audrey wakes up from her nap, she is less than happy... Luckily, she has a brother who knows what to do! Each time, I sit in the rocking chair and Aaron scales the bunk bed to do his impression of the opening part of The Circle of Life from The Lion King.
Once she is happy, she entertains herself reading books in her little chair.
Audrey has decided she likes the toilet. She'll start pulling at her clothes and say "potty." She'll sit on there, do nothing, wipe herself, flush, and use sanitizer. This makes her soooooo happy, haha! I think she likes the idea of being a big girl and doing what we do.
Two of Audrey's favorite activities are Dancing and Peek-a-Boo!

I love how much Audrey loves to show her love! She shows it in lots of ways, but two of my favorites are by snuggling up to watch a movie (she'll sit with us for a LONG time, I love it!) and she shows it as she leaves to head off to bed.
 I also love how Audrey has a desire to climb everything and get as high as she possibly can.
Here's something she loves to do - all by herself...

I have been following Audrey around LIKE A HAWK trying to get a picture of her scowl! I still haven't gotten it. Check back soon though, I'm DETERMINED!

I absolutely love this little girl. She is so kind hearted. Aaron fell and got hurt the other day - it wasn't serious, but he was also sick so he was pretty upset. I was rocking him in the rocking chair when Audrey saw he was sad. She raced over and stroked his hair. Then she reached up, hugged his face, and then noticed his tears. She gently and carefully wiped each one away.
What a sweetheart! She is a treasured member of our family and we are grateful every day for her!

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