
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

18 Month Stats

Audrey had her 18 month doctor's appointment today.
As always, she did fantastic. She is always so well behaved and lets them poke and prod her without complaint - even the ears and teeth! You go girl!

Weight: 24 lbs 2 oz - 11th percentile
Height: 32.5 in - 80th percentile
Head circumference: 10th percentile
Eye color: Blue/Green

I sat Audrey down to get a picture of her after the doctor had said we were done.

Audrey, knowing we were supposed to be done, gave me a scowl.
Not her mega scowl - just a little one to let me know she was displeased and was ready to leave...
What a drama queen! I love it!

She is tall and thin and healthy as a clam - except that she is sick ... but otherwise she's great!
Aaron got sick a week and a half ago and has a lingering cough. I caught it at the end of last week and Audrey caught it yesterday :( It's a cold/fever thing. Aaron threw up but none of us have had the misfortune to follow suit. They are both troopers though - they are in good spirits :)

Keep growing strong, baby princess!

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