
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

We had so much fun spending Christmas with the Hornibrook clan this year!
We headed over after naps yesterday afternoon. I wanted to get some fun pictures in front of their tree, but let's be honest ... not everyone wanted to cooperate soooooooo, ya get what ya get.

We had lots of fun playing games with Jon, Rachel & Tighe while Grampa built an awesome car track and table with Aaron

We all gathered together (Mom, Dad, Rachel, Tighe and my little family) to read Christmas stories before opening our Pajamas!

 In the morning, per tradition, we got up early to watch an action movie. This year's pick was Live, Die, Repeat. A fabulous movie which I love ... however, due to children not sleeping well, I was definitely not up to watching the movie so I stayed in bed snuggling with Aaron while Eric, Rachel, Tighe and Jon watched the movie. We all came down around 9 to open gifts :)
Audrey's favorite gift was a sheep animal with a blanket. Aaron LOVED all of the amazing Planes he got. He immediately gave some to Daddy and some to Grampa to play with him!

 Eric and I were blessed to receive lots of fun things for the kitchen as well as games and money.

After gifts came breakfast and then a LONG nap :) We woke up to play games and then do the name draw gifts.
We received a fun game called Love Letters and some gift cards. Aaron and Audrey received some fun toys.
 The afternoon concluded with a talent show in which Aaron showed off his ab strength and then Daddy threw him around and Audrey jumped on the couch. We left not long after to a quiet evening at home. Thank you for (as always!) a fantastic Christmas! We are so blessed to have the money we need to spend it on those we love. Merry Christmas to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Ron and I are so glad you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. Wishing all the Hornibrooks a very Happy New Year and a wonderful 2015!


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