
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Between the Holidays

Just because Christmas is over doesn't mean we slow down!
We have been entertaining like CRAZY around here!

The day after Christmas, we attended a funeral for my neighbor's father who had been living with them. He was a Catholic Friar so the ceremony was quite exquisite.  My brother, Elder Wilkinson, was able to get permission to attend as he knew Frank, the man who passed.
That evening, we had Eric's old band, Joke #1 over for games and a jam session!
 Brandon's girl was in Minnesota for the holidays, but we were lucky to have Amy and Baylee join us this year!
 Not a single serious photo in the whole bunch we took ... Definitely accurate :)
Then on Saturday, we had the Bass family over for the afternoon! We are so glad they came to visit! 
 My Dad gave us some Gingerbread Sleighs to decorate. We saved them to do with the Bass Family!
 Here are the finished creations!
 Surprisingly, the candy and cookies were really good! I ate an entire sleigh myself and Audrey ate another :) We make a great team.

Monday night, we had the Gaskin Family (some new people at Precoa) over for dinner with their 2 kids who happen to be super close in age to our kids!

Then on Tuesday, I went Visiting Teaching with the kids and in the evening, we got to have the Bass family over again! This time, we had them in the evening so we could play games as the children slept. We played Eric's new game, Dead of Winter (a zombie game) while listening to the soundtrack to The Walking Dead (a zombie show). It was pretty awesome!

What goofballs ... I couldn't not laugh while taking the picture!
Notice the flowers in the back? Eric brought those home today for me, for no reason.
I love him!
 Here are a few other random pictures :)
My kids emptied out the cabinet and climbed in while I was making pancakes and Audrey photobombed my 19 week photo. She definitely makes it cuter.

 I love how well the kids play together! Aaron loves to let Audrey play planes with him and Audrey loves to share her princess dolls! I love how she has a sound for when the plane flies and when it lands :)
 They love to snuggle together! And right now, this plastic container switches between her head and his for who gets to pretend to be Buzz Lightyear (not that Audrey truly understands, she just wants to be like Aaron).
Tomorrow we have New Year's Festivities! Yay! I love the Holidays!!!

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