
Friday, October 10, 2014

Precoa Fun Run!

Today, Precoa had a Fitness Fair.
They are big on promoting their employees to be healthy. After lots of health seminars and free samples, they hosted a fun run for the kids and a 5k for the adults! 
Kelsey took my kids yesterday morning and kept them over night. I got them back at the fun run.
They had so much fun with Kelsey!

Kelsey got Aaron very excited for the run. He raced up to me and told he "I'm a runner!" Haha. I got him decked out in his gear and he was still super psyched!

But then the race was to begin. All the kids lined up at the starting line for stretches...

And suddenly Aaron was shy. He didn't want to participate. He wanted to stay by Eric and I - we have this problem in many aspects of activities. He usually eventually warms up to the idea and goes out to be with the other kids but he always floats back to us... Not sure if he wants us to feel included or if he's shy or what...

The kids took off and Aaron just stood there. I asked where he was supposed to be and he pointed, but didn't move. *sigh* Well... ok then. Eric offered to go run with him and he was *kind of* excited about that so off they went...

They ran 2 laps which was almost half a mile - though at one point Aaron decided to lie down for a while so he was very behind the other competitors. However, as Aaron came to the finish line and everyone cheered for him, he turned into quite a ham - waving and smiling at everyone, haha
What a goof!

They had snacks for the kids after and then we headed home. As we were leaving Aaron became very upset because now he wanted to run... We are working on teaching him about how the choice to participate goes away eventually and the choice to not participate has consequences. It is a hard lesson and he doesn't much like learning it ... but we'll get there.

They were quite tired as we were leaving - yay for me!

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