
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Helpful Husband

Things have been pretty insane recently and this morning, Eric woke up and said that he wanted to stay home and help me. He wanted to knock out some projects that would make my life easier.

He started by making us breakfast. Waffles, bacon, eggs and hashbrowns. mmmmmmmm

Then he continued his fabulousness by cleaning the house - the whole thing.
He also offered to go grocery shopping with me! Say whaaaaaaaaaat?
We went to Costco and got lunch :)
We had to get a smoothie again - the kids were very happy, haha!
After another grocery store we went to the hardware store. Eric wanted to build me a pantry.

I'd been using the under the stairs closet for food storage for a while now but it was all piled on the floor. We took measurements this morning and then went to get our supplies.
He was very gung-ho and began the building process right when we got home! 
He started and finished it today!
Imagine the wire looking shelf being higher and right at the entrance to the closet - that's all there was! He lowered the shelf and moved it back and then added all of the other shelves for me. I'm in love. It's fantastic and so easy to find everything!!!

Thank you Eric for showing me how much of a priority I am. You're the best!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome husband points to Eric! I love your new pantry! It is perfect and such a good use of space! Bravo!!!


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