
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Weekend

This was our first weekend after the snow and I think that's why we filled it so full of people! We had so many plans last weekend that got canceled that we felt we had to fit tons in!
On Thursday night, Eric and I went to see the Lego movie with some friends from work. Seriously, an awesome movie! I know my brother, Thomas, will love it and I can't wait for him to see it!

Friday night, Valentine's Day, we had our traditional Parmesan Chicken meal with the family. It's been fun each year since having kids to share part of Valentine's Day with them. Aaron enjoyed the meal and enjoyed "clinking" our cups! He would say, "To being normal," (Megamind) or, "Now we do the clinks," (Despicable Me).
We had lots of fun together as a family. We turned on a movie for us all to watch and ate popcorn. Aaron had a blast reading the scriptures to Audrey before bed.
I gave Eric a new wireless mouse (though, let's be honest ... he got it the moment it came in the mail) that he knew about. I got it on Amazon and he saw the shipping confirmation before I got into his email to delete it. He was so excited when he saw it though. He was helping someone at work who happened to have the same mouse and said, "that's a nice looking mouse. My wife just bought me one ... she doesn't know I know." haha

My Dad surprised us with a dozen chocolate covered strawberries that came in the mail. They were delicious!!!
 Selfies with kids are always an adventure ;)

Saturday morning, we attended a breakfast celebrating Tyler's birthday with Eric's family. It was a surprise for him and it was great to see everyone! We went to a little bistro in Portland! How fun! We rarely do anything in Portland (too much planning too many one way streets) so it was fun to have a reason to go and not have to do any research before!

We then headed to pick up our pavers to create our front porch. I found a bunch of them for free!
We loaded the car and took them home. We unloaded them and prepared the kids to go to our friends, David and Emily's home for the evening. 
We went and got more pavers (still more loads to come!) and some treated wood for the backyard before dropping the kids off. Our plans for our "Valentine's Date" were to go for a walk along the bay in Portland and then have dinner at the Cheesecake factory, but it was raining and it's incredible how much fun you can have just by spending time together no matter what you are doing. It was raining so we couldn't go on our walk.So we opted to make the most of our time. First we headed to Costco to get a new car battery. Then we went and unloaded our Pavers. We then went to the Cheesecake factory which had a 2 hour wait ... we walked around the mall for a while, got a snack, but since neither of us really were the type of kid to hang out at the mall when we were younger, we didn't know how to occupy our time. We decided to head out and go to a game store but on the way we saw the hardware store and knew we needed some hose reels... so we went there instead! Afterwards we went to the Cheesecake factory and Eric surprised me with a beautiful bracelet! 
I'm telling you, it was a true blue home-owner's date! But it was fun! I wouldn't trade it for anything.

This morning we had Jon come over. He brought one of his epic new games. I think this might become a Sunday morning tradition! He and Eric had so much fun playing and I love cooking big breakfasts!

 I love this man so much! I love our life together
I love how deeply our love has evolved since we met, how our lives have grown together and changed together. I love the family we have created and the moments we get to share! I can't wait for another year!

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