
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Audrey 7 Months

I can barely believe this little munchkin is 7 months old! The time has FLOWN!
Audrey loves playing with babywipe containers, mirrors, and anything that resembles technology.
She does a super fast army crawl that is developing into a normal crawl. I'll have to do an evolution of crawling post with videos because it's funny how much her crawl changes :)

 Audrey has loved everything we have fed her so far. I make her food so it's been fun to give her a variety.
She enjoys: applesauce, broccoli, butternut squash, carrots, yellow carrots, mango, pineapple, bananas and green smoothies (her absolute favorite is green smoothies!)

 Audrey loves to snuggle, walk (she moves her feet if you hold her hands), explore, stand against the ottoman and play with toys (she can't pull herself up yet but if we set her there she plays)and playing with Aaron's toys - and as long as he picks which cars she gets, he likes letting her play with them.

We even still paint her toes. :) She's such a good sport!

Here are 2 cute videos of her playing with some of her favorite toys!

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