
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Thoughtful Friends

People at Precoa are always thinking of our little family ... they periodically send Eric emails with fun ideas for the kids and they bring in things that they see and think we would enjoy for Eric to bring home :)

Shelley has sent home some fun hats and cups for Aaron!
Quynh sent home a gorgeous bookmark and magnet for me!
Leslie is always finding cute things online and sending Eric links!
Martha brought in the cute cars/legos table that Aaron plays with daily!
Jana brought in a bunch of cars and some cute tents for Aaron to play with!
Kathy brought in cute boxes - a car and a house - for Aaron to play pretend in!

Last week, Eric messaged me asking for Audrey's height and weight. Figuring he was showing off how small she still is (still in newborn size clothing) I sent the information and didn't think much about it. But yesterday, he brought home this adorable beauty made by Sharon at work. I honestly don't know if I have ever seen a more adorable coat! It has a gigantic hood that shields her eyes from light. It is reversable and super warm! I love it!!!

We appreciate every thought that is sent our way!!! Thank you to all of those who think of us and love us!


  1. Sounds like you are right where you need to be! The jacket is darlibg!

  2. Sounds like you are right where you need to be! The jacket is darlibg!


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