
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I Can't Help Myself!

Sometimes I simply can't help myself and I have to share all the joy my children bring to me with you!
Left: Aaron putting on Daddy's sunglasses for him. Center: Aaron sharing his fruitsnacks with his cars. Right: Under that pile of "blankets" you will find a car that is now "warm" ... no wonder we run out of babywipes so fast...
This morning, Aaron came to me and said, "Mama, come to the couch." I went and saw that he had laid out a pillow for me. He then said, "Mama, lay down," and proceeded to cover me with a blanket. "Mama, you warm? Ok, go to sleep Mama. I snuggle with Mama." Well ... who am I to argue with that?

We cleaned the playroom today so Aaron had a blast playing - in fact, I thought he was in his room napping but I came to find he had shut himself in the playroom and was quietly playing :)

Aaron made Audrey some "chocolate milk" 

 A lady bug made it's way through the hole in the screen and after some coaxing, we got it inside. Aaron was so gentle and just let her crawl all over his hand. She kept flying off him to the window so we let her go. Aaron was sad to watch her fly away, but I told him she was headed to see her family. This made him happy ... I apparently wasn't wrong because soon there were three lady bugs on the window for him to watch!

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