Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

This year marks our 3 year anniversary. CRAZY! I feel like it couldn't possibly have been 3 years already, and yet, at the same time, I feel like it has been so much longer! I can hardly remember being single... I am so glad to be married!

This year, Ane and Mark offered to keep Aaron over night so we postponed festivities to the weekend. That didn't stop me from making a nice dinner for Eric on the 26th. Nor did it stop Eric from picking up my favorite shake on his way home from work! Both were surprises :)

Our plans for this weekend were to have a picnic on the beach, grab a hotel by the beach, eat a fabulous breakfast, pick out some fun presents for each other, visit the Tillamook factory, have a great lunch, and then pick up Aaron ... however, somebody decided to have several ridiculous contractions throughout the night on Thursday making Eric nervous to take me too far away. (p.s. still pregnant, sadly) So Eric decided to take me to the Cheesecake factory for dinner. He made sure the evening would be special even though we were staying close to home.

He got me 3 gorgeous crystal roses that he had shipped to work (I assumed that since we were going to pick out gifts for each other on our date that he hadn't gotten me roses this year...) so I never saw them. He then stopped by the restaurant before picking me up to drop off the roses so the waitress could surprise me with them at our table. So romantic.

The rest of our evening was quiet. We rented a movie and stayed at home. We didn't pick up Aaron till 4:30 this afternoon and that was heaven. I missed the little guy, but it was so nice to have time just with Eric, especially knowing that time with just Eric will be few and far inbetween once we have this little girl!

Happy Anniversary my love! Thank you for making it so special and for making me feel so special. I am truly lucky to have you in my life. Thanks for choosing me. Thanks for marrying me for time and all eternity!

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