
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday Market

Portland scares me ... not because of what it is, but because driving through it and trying to find parking is horrendous. As a result, Eric and I don't go into the city very often.
However, when we found out that the MAX Train will drop you right off at the Saturday Market which is on the water front, we knew we had to take Aaron! Now that we've been once, I know we'll go again and have even more fun!

 When we first got on, it was pretty crowded so we started out standing. Aaron thought this was pretty cool.

We had a blast walking around the market. Aaron pointed at everything saying, "I have it" or "Want one, please." Everyone around us got quite a kick out of it!

We expected it to rain so we dressed warmer and I even wore my rain boots. About half-way through, the sun came out! It wasn't super warm, but warm enough that when we saw the fountains were going, we let Aaron have some fun.

Most of the time, the water just gushed out and made a huge puddle, so since I had rain boots, I got in with him!

After playing in the water, Aaron was pretty soaked so we hopped back on the train to head home.

Aaron was sooooooooo excited to be back on the train!

He was attracting a lot of attention so I asked him to sit down - this was his response:
 Then he realized he could still see out the window and so he changed back to this:
Once the train cleared out, we let him stand again.

He totally crashed in the car on the way to Gramma's (He woke at 5 so I'm not surprised) where we went to build a trampoline! Aaron hunted down a chair and dragged it clear across the yard to be able to sit by Jon. Aaron loves his uncles and I think he feels cool when he gets to "hang out" with them.
He crashed again on the way home and then when we got home, he walked in and laid on the floor for a while.

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