
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My Very Opinionated Child

Aaron is a kid who knows exactly what he wants. If you offer him a choice, he will tell you which he prefers. If you do not offer him a choice, you can easily get in trouble.

Every morning he asks for these things for breakfast: popcorn, chips, crackers, applesauce, peaches, bacon, marshmallows, and chocolate (he asks for just about all of them, in sequence, every morning). Sometimes, before he comes in my room to wake me, he goes downstairs and brings up the bag of chocolate chips knowing my inhibitions are lowered when I'm tired... Smart little cookie.
But he also loves vegetables and will ask for them in turn ... carrots (which he has only recently started to like cooked normal [not just cooked in brown sugar]) or broccoli or green beans or tomatoes or potatoes or corn or even asparagus!

When we are going to bed, he always requests a specific song. He will ask for, "popcorn," "sunbeam," "wheels bus," "bitty bider," "choo choo," "teach me," or "God." (I Am A Child of God)

He loves to talk on the phone. He will turn anything into a phone (in this picture he is using a domino). He will say, "Hello" and will often then say a name after. He knows who he is talking to! If he doesn't say a name, I will ask him and he will always provide a name. He is usually talking to family - grandparents or uncles or sometimes he will name each of his cousins. But every once in a while he will say he is talking to, "my friends." When I ask him what friends, he will say either Eli, Lily, or Jude. So cute. He also will talk to the sitter who watched him the night before - Tyler or Ashley usually :) Then, he will walk off with his "phone" saying words only he understands (and trust me, he thinks he is saying actual words. If he tells me something and I can't figure it out, he gets so frustrated that sometimes he cries...) and carry on an entire conversation with his imaginary phone.

He knows what activity he wants to do and he knows who he wants to do it with. He will say he wants to go upstairs and then he will point at someone and say, "you coming?" If the answer is, "no" then we sometimes have a small problem... He is insistent that I sit on the couch with him when he watches a show (of have both Eric and I sit while we watch, "the game" [Dota or StarCraft] and he is unhappy if Eric is the one playing and therefore cannot sit by him on the couch, but he gets over it) and when it comes to saying the prayer for bedtime or dinner, if we ask him to say it and he doesn't want to, he mutters and then says while pointing to one of us, "you say it." haha
**funny side story about watching Dota - The other day, we were on the couch watching Eric play when Aaron suddenly focused very intently on the screen. He then shook his finger at the screen and said, "We no hit!"

When he wants to go somewhere, he is insistent that we get in the car. I will ask why and he says so we "can drive." I ask where he wants to go and he always knows. It is either "Grams' house," "Gramma's house," "the park," "church," or simply "outside." When he drives his little cars he always knows where they are going too. Sometimes the response is "on the road," but otherwise, there is a specific destination in mind.

If we ask him to do something and he says no, we will respond with, "ok. no *whatever we asked*" and suddenly he is distraught because he wants what he previously said no to simply because we no longer cared. Goof Ball...

I guess we will never have to worry about him being decisive. He is so full of personality - I absolutely love it!

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