
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pictures of Our Baby Girl

I have had 5 ultrasounds with this pregnancy, 4 of which have given me photos and I haven't shared any of them on the blog! They are on my refrigerator, but not everyone has been to my home, so I thought I'd show you my favorites (after 5 ultrasounds, I have a LOT of pictures). I will go in chronological order.

This first photo is from my first doctor's appointment on December 17, 2012. I thought I was 10 weeks along, but according to her size, I was only 8 weeks.

These next photos are from an ultrasound that was meant to confirm her due date (since a 2 week discrepancy is pretty big). They decided to go based on her size and not the timeline (it is possible I mixed up numbers in my head...). This was on December 28, 2012. Eric described her as looking like a Gummy Bear

Then came our "gender reveal" ultrasound when I was 18 weeks. These were taken February 22, 2013. 

Here is a blow up of my favorite. Look at her smile and cute little nose! I love her so much already!!!

This last ultrasound was taken last week on May 8, 2013. This ultrasound was to make sure everything on the inside is ok (I am measuring small on the outside), which it is.
You have to look close, but it is a picture of her face. You can see her nose and eyes and chin.
Isn't she beautiful?
So, this is what our little girl looks like for now. I'm excited to see what she looks like in 9 weeks when she is in my arms rather than in my tummy!

1 comment:

  1. When are you due? This is so exciting!
    Yay for baby girls :)


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