
Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Easter was so much fun this year. We technically had 4 Easters!

The first was at Gramma and Grampa's house. We did a big hunt for the kids and a small one for the adults. We also did some egg coloring! Instead of wanting to color eggs though, Aaron wanted to eat chips.

The boys were so cute playing together! 

Then came the hunt!

Aaron loved looking for his dark blue eggs. He got the hang of it quick!

Aaron enjoyed the spoils of his hunt 

Each egg either had candy in it or a letter that corresponded with a prize. After the hunt, if an egg didn't have candy in it, Aaron didn't care about it... but he enjoyed his prizes! He had to sit on Gramma's lap the whole time prizes were handed out.

Aaron had fun playing on the play set after all the eggs were done.

Later came the adult hunt. You had to be fast to beat people to the eggs!

While we handed out the adult prizes (again, each egg had either candy or a letter) the kids watched a movie. Can you guess who chose the movie?
The next day we had our own Easter with a basket from the Easter bunny (with help from Eric's Grammie who makes the amazing bunnies!)

A few days later, a package from my parents came with a basket for Aaron!
Introducing - Bobby. Aaron at first pronounced bunny wrong and I thought it was so cute that I called the bunny, "Bobby" from then on. If Bobby isn't in bed when bedtime rolls around, I am in BIG trouble! Lightning McQueen I can distract him from if it is missing ... but not Bobby.

 And our fourth Easter was the real adult hunt that took place 2 weeks after Easter when Rachel and Tighe were able to join us! There was one giant egg out there for each child but the rest were for adults.
Again, you had to be quick. This time, since I knew we were having an adult hunt, I didn't wear a dress which came in handy because I had to climb a tree for one of the eggs!
Easter is a big event for the Hornibrooks and I absolutely love it. We are so grateful to Mark and Ane for making it so much fun. 

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