
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Baby Update

To begin with, I guess I should let you all know that we are having - A GIRL!!! We are soooooo excited!

Here are 2 pictures from the day we found out. Aaron loves to rock his baby and burp his baby and it is adorable. But just when I think he has got it figured out how to be gentle, he holds her upside down by the ankles ... gee, I wonder where he got that from? *cough ... ERIC!*

I haven't been great with the picture taking, but here is a picture of me from Easter (I know, a month ago...)

You may be asking yourself, "Where did the bump go?" Well... ever since I got sick, I've shrunk and I haven't been able to get the bump back... I actually have not gotten any bigger in the last month. I am measuring small at the doctor's so I'm going in for another ultra sound to make sure everything is ok.
I'm sure it's fine given that every doctor but my own continually cries wolf. I need to start refusing to go in to see a doctor if my own OBGYN is not in the office. First they sent me to the hospital worried about blood clots or what not in my brain and found nothing and then they sent me yesterday because I've had some severe cramping that has resulted in a soft and shortened cervix. They thought that perhaps I had been contracting and didn't notice (didn't notice contractions??? Given the fact that earlier in this pregnancy, I had contractions that were regular (9 minutes apart) and would make me CRY and this would go for 4 hours, and would occur 4 out of the 7 days of the week I am fairly certain I would notice). But the doctor seemed super worried so I went to the hospital (she seemed to think I might be in pre-term labor, and yet I was able to drive myself...?) to get monitored and I took Aaron with me. It was supposed to be 20 minutes... 2 hours later, I signed a form indicating I was leaving after having checked in as a patient but having not seen a physician. The nurse looked at the contraction monitor and I asked if there was any reason for me to be there and she said no. So I left... The lady in the bed next to me told me I had the patience of a saint. *sigh* Can't I just have a normal pregnancy where I don't go to the hospital until the baby is being born? Maybe the next go around...

Otherwise, things seem to be going great. If I didn't bump into the counter sooner than I planned and I wasn't so doggone tired, I might not even notice I'm pregnant! I can still get things done and I'm not sick (usually) which is a huge step up from my pregnancy with Aaron.

Aaron is so excited. He loves to go to the doctor for me because he gets to listen to, "Baby heart!!!" It is
adorable. He is always trying to feel the baby kick or lifting my shirt up to kiss the baby or hug the baby or sing to the baby. He loves to sing Choo Choo or Sunbeam or Popcorn Popping or Be-bider (Itsy Bitsy Spider). They are his favorite songs. I asked him the other day what we should name the baby and he said, "Lightning" ... yeah, that one isn't making the cut. I guess it is better than Eric suggesting, "Moriarty."

We are so super excited for this baby and cannot wait for her to come! I'm entering the 3rd trimester so it won't be long now! Very rarely do I not see a wiggle through my tummy from her moving. And when music comes on, she kicks it up a notch! She moves and rolls and it is pretty funny. No hiccups yet though. Aaron used to have hiccups at least once a day for 20 minute stretches - so we'll have to see if she ever gets them.

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