
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Aaron Photo Dump!

Since we moved I keep meaning to do a photo dump of the cuteness that is Aaron and I keep putting it off. So, I am taking the time to do it now (Eric is at mutal [Eric is the Priest's Quorum adviser and I am the Young Woman's secretary] and Aaron is sleeping so it seems like a good time).

Keep in mind, some of these photos are from March and some from April. I have put them in chronological order as best I can. I promise, I'll do Easter soon as well as some pictures from us moving into our home and some before/after transformations!

Super Aaron playing cars :)

Left: Aaron enjoying a movie in Mama's bed. Right: We sold our couch before moving and it sold 3 days after we listed it so we were without a couch for a while. Aaron stacked the pillows and made the most of it.
 Rocking his animals


Aaron will do anything to reach musical instruments!

Hey ... he asked me to put the clips in his hair! 

Sometimes ... the floor is simply more comfortable.

And other times ... odd positions on the bed are what work best. The one on the right is right after the first time in our new ward (before we moved) and the one on the left is him finding comfort in "Bobby" his bunny... It was a particularly difficult nap time... (I'll tell you all about Bobby in the Easter post)

 Aaron loves his new play room - he loves looking out the window at the kids and looking for Daddy! He also enjoys playing cars on the windowsill. 


He also loves his new backyard ... well, his back-rocks. It'll be a yard this summer though!
 Left: one of Aaron's new favorite foods, cucumber. He eats them like apples. Center: Aaron had an eye doctor appointment and wore my sunglasses after getting his eyes dilated  Right: Aaron found the umbrella, enough said.

Aaron loves watching sports and he loves his Uncle Michael ... so this is a fun combo. He watched for 15 minutes.

When Eric gets home, Aaron greets him (or sometimes doesn't ...) and declares, "I drive!" He then climbs in the driver's seat (whether Eric has gotten out or not) and proceeds to drive the vehicle. It is quite the ordeal to get him back out for dinner...

Now that we have space, we've done LOTS of babysitting ... Aaron is loving it. Sometimes he comes across as a bit intense ... he gives lots of hugs.

 Aaron was running around with no diaper and decided to poop in the kitchen. Eric, having just finished the dishes, scooped him up and dumped him in the sink. Aaron played in there for a good half hour. He had a blast!


Aaron loves to take pictures. If he ever hears the click of my phone camera he declares, "CUTE!" If it is a picture of us together, he gets to see himself so we often make funny faces. After one picture, he will say, "one more" which is what I say when he moves before I manage to snap the picture... but he truly wants another photo; so usually a whole photoshoot ensues. The picture on the left is from us at the hospital yesterday and the one on the right is us snuggling on the couch.

This photo is chronologically out of order, but it seemed like a cute one to end on. This was us at Target. I put this hat on Aaron's head and after I put it back he tried to climb out of the cart to get it again. :)

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