
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Out For A Walk

Today was gorgeous (a little windy so jackets were needed for part of the trip, but not too bad) and we needed to get out of the house, so Aaron and I went on a walk. I learned very quickly that the area we are in is not fond of sidewalks ... but rather a solid white line with a few feet before you find a ditch. Ugh. So we moved carefully until we reached a main road - and learned the main road only has a sidewalk on one side... the dangerous side.

I call that side of the road dangerous, because in a matter of 2 blocks, there is a Wendy's, McDonalds, Burger King, and Taco Bell... and that doesn't include what's further down!

When we passed McDonalds, we had to get out and see the fountain!
Apparently McDonalds is stepping it up and getting fancy! They had several areas with fountains. Wow.

Aaron reluctantly got back in the stroller and we continued on our way - but we didn't get far when my tummy started rumbling and grumbling and making all sorts of contentious noises... It needed French Fries... So we turned right around and went back to McDonalds.

As we were headed in, we discovered Palm Trees! It made the day feel even warmer - if we didn't have jackets on, I might have convinced myself we were in California.
Aaron loves fast food and watching other kids, so he ate great! He even tried dipping his chicken into my sauce.

After we finished eating, we went to play on the play place. It is Spring Break here so it was very packed!

 I stood near Aaron to try and keep the other kids from bulldozing him, but it only worked for so long. Eventually he got knocked pretty hard so it was time for us to go. He didn't mind though because we went out to the fountains again!

Hopefully we get to know the area better and we can go to parks and such - but McDonalds was just what we needed today. :)

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