
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Break From Packing

We interrupt your regularly schedule programming (aka: Packing) to bring you these super cute photos and stories!

This first one is from 3 weeks ago. It was a gorgeous Sunday and we decided to go to a park (up in Washington ... it was a nice drive!).

We learned that Aaron is fearless - I mean, we already knew he was a little crazy, but this is insane! Eric did not help at all - he had his hands close by to guard and protect if necessary, but it wasn't necessary. Aaron climbed that ladder all on his own.
We also found one of these fun things ... I have no idea what they are called, but I'd never been on one before, so this was fun! Aaron and I sat/stood while Eric spun us in circles!

After we spun on this thing, Aaron took off running - as you can see, there are puddles everywhere. He was headed straight for a puddle. Eric sprinted to catch him and right as Aaron's foot entered the puddle, Eric snatched his hand and lifted him as the two of them jumped over the puddle. The splash followed them but failed to reach either of them. It ... was ... epic! I wish I had recorded it! Holy crazy!

We also have a few other fun videos to share:

This first one, apparently this is something Eric has done a time or two with Aaron that I was unaware of ... until Aaron was on our bed and suddenly did a summersault! I was so shocked! Here is a video I got a day or two later.
This one is ... well ... Aaron on a sugar high ... I thought it was entertaining. I like how he tells me which he wants - marshmallows or chocolate... lol
And last, this is Aaron wanting to be clean... this is pre-bath, pre-getting dressed, and him managing to sneak a binky out of his room...

 I have a lot of photos that I snap during the day that get posted to facebook, that I need to dump in here. I'm sure I'll do a long post of status updates and random photos... Hopefully you get to hear from me again soon. Things have been crazy with the being sick and the packing and the car buying and everything ... but eventually, it all needs to calm down, right?

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