
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More About Aaron

The last post I did showed a lot of what Aaron has been up to and had lots of photos, but this one is more about who Aaron is and what he enjoys.

Aaron is 2 ft 10 in and 23 lbs 8 oz - he is pretty skinny but he is super active. His poor head is in the 13th percentile, his weight is the 43rd and his height is the 85th... he's more the build of an older child than a child his age... Perhaps if he sat down and allowed himself to gain weight he might be more "normal"

Here are some of his favorites in no particular order:

Really - it doesn't matter what kind of car or what color. He loves to watch them and gets soooo excited when he hears the garbage truck outside. He loves to watch them, ride in them, play with them...

He loves when I say, "ready, set, go! RUN RUN RUN!!!" He giggles and takes off running - he's faster than me some days. :)

There doesn't even have to be music, though he gets more into the moves when there is. He loves to work the room - he'll circle and smile. He spins and moves his arms. He loves to also stand still, make a funny face and shake his hips. I see a future for this kid!

Everything is a drum - and I mean, everything....

High Fives:
He calls them "fives" and he he loves to give them repeatedly. He is always disappointed when he offers "fives" to other kids his age and they don't know quite what he wants. His favorite person to give them to is his Daddy - If Mama asks for a high five and Daddy is around, he'll run straight to give it to Daddy instead.

Aaron loves to give hugs. When he's hanging out in my bed (which he also loves) he likes to give me hugs and snuggle me - in the same way I hug and snuggle him. He also loves to play a game he invented. He stands up and hollers HUGS! Every one in the room then has to hold out their arms and he'll pick who he wants to give hugs to and then rush to whomever he picks.

Most kids have a bedtime routine that involves calming down and reading books and, well, anything to calm the child down. Aaron, we throw him in the air, run around, clean his room, play some more, brush teeth, change a diaper, play more, do some more throwing, say prayers and give lots of kisses (mom and dad both kiss Aaron then kiss each other) and then we practically toss him in the crib. IT is a big fanfare. When we tell him it's nuh-nye time, he gets so excited! And we love it too.

If we tell Aaron we are going outside, he asks for his "coke" meaning his coat and his shoes and plops down by the door so we can  help him put on his gear. He then will race outside. But he stops at the edge of the porch and repeats, "wait, wait, wait" because that's what I used to have to tell him - but now he simply waits and then asks for my hand. I love it.

Aaron loves to climb on things - and he is fast. He is so strong and he can pull himself up on anything. If I turn my back to get a cup out of the cabinet, I'll turn and find him sitting atop the kitchen table, just because he can.

Aaron loves anything having to do with technology. He loves to get on the computer, watch the tablet, play with the Xbox controller, mess with the remote, talk on the phone... really, anything. And it is hard to keep him away from it.

Aaron loves to "read a story."  He loves for me to read to him and he loves to pretend to read to me :)

He loves to sing and often asks me to "sing song." He particularly loves to bring me his "melmo" (Elmo) doll and I have him sing "Aaron's Song."

Aaron loves food. He used to eat like a bird, and he still eats little for his meals but he sure eats a lot of them. He has his favorites

  • Broccoli - he'll eat it before anything else on his tray
  • Pizza
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Hot dogs (He'll ask for food and then rush to the kitchen chanting for a hot dog)
  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes - he loves baked potatoes and tater tots
  • Toast - if I sprinkle it with a garlic bread spread, he'll down it so fast
  • Spoonful of peanut butter - he won't eat a pb&j but he loves straight peanut butter
  • Noodles - doesn't matter what is on them, if anything at all
  • Veggie Chips and Pirate's Booty
  • Gold Fish and Crackers
  • Hershey's Kisses - which, Eric showed me on Sunday that Aaron can open them on his own... I think I had better keep them up high
I hope this shows you a bit of what Aaron is loving these days.


  1. I love that update...he is sure growing up!

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  3. I love this update! Thanks for taking the time to post it for us!


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