
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Guess What???

If you haven't figured out via all of my references about being sick, we're pregnant again!
Baby #2 is due July 21, 2013

We are so excited!

A few things about this pregnancy have been the same.

First, I got big, fast!

Here I am at 5 weeks next to my sister who was 33 weeks
And then again at 8 weeks....

And then the pictures at the top we took today - at 15 weeks. 

Second, I put on weight fast... With Aaron by the end of the first trimester I had gained 10lbs. With this baby, I have gained more than I have fingers to count but less than fingers + toes... I gained a total of 45lbs with Aaron and I'm not expecting to put on any less with this one... Luckily, thanks to genetics, my body doesn't like to hold on to excess weight so with Aaron I lost the first 35lbs in less than a week and the last 10 fell off in the next 5 weeks. Hopefully that is the case with this next one too...

One difference; I am nauseated like I was with Aaron, but my main source of misery is belly pain that requires heavy medication and migraines that also require heavy medication and that put me in the hospital earlier this week (I'll post about that later). Basically I get up and do one thing then lie back down. I have to keep the lights low at all times and if I'm at a screen for more than 5 minutes I'm down in bed for at least an hour *sigh* Luckily, Aaron has been a trooper and loves to crawl in bed with me and show me his cars.

Another difference is so ... much ... acne ... !!! I feel like I'm a teenager! Holy cow, I did NOT have this problem with Aaron... *sigh* 

Eric and I got to feel the baby kick on January 19th. We were sitting right beside each other so he was able to feel right away - how lucky is that?!? This little kiddo has been pushing and kicking a ton ever since.
We are so excited and already love this little one so much!!!


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