
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Vacation Part 1:

For Thanksgiving this year, we spent one week of vacation in Utah. We drove out after my final performance of Seussical - on the 18th. We got to spend a week there with my family! We saw a few friends, but mostly just stayed around my parents' house and relaxed. It was great!

The drive out was pretty nice... Aaron slept for almost the whole thing! Eric drove until 5 am and then we switched and I drove the rest of the way. (just a note ... our entire vacation total was to Utah, then California, then home... over 50 hours of driving...)

Here we are, ready for take off!

This is where we switched drivers. Aaron still sound asleep!

In the morning we had a gorgeous view as we headed to breakfast!

We had breakfast at Ihop! Aaron was so excited to get out of the car!
He ran the aisles over and over.

After breakfast, Aaron (and Eric) went right back to sleep. Hooray!!!

When we got to Orem, Eric and I took a nap while Aaron played with my family.

Aaron loved to share water with Grams!

We also made sure to fit in several games of 7 Wonders and Wackee Six!
We also played a lot ... a lot ... a lot ... of DOTA2 - it was epic!

On Thanksgiving we had a full house, which made it even more fun!

I made Aaron a turkey shirt just for the occasion. (Of course, I managed to forget to pack it and we had our awesome neighbors get in our apartment, find it, and mail it to us... oops)

Don't worry, we didn't actually cook this turkey :)

Dinner was amazing! We learned Aaron LOVES pomegranate seeds!

While we were in Utah, my dad introduced Aaron to some fun new youtube videos!
He would go to my dad's chair and say he wanted to "see, see, see!" and say "show!" and "sit!"

He has a few favorites - there is one about Victor Vito and one about Bumblebees...
This video is the dinosaur one

We also had fun shooting hoops!
We tried to teach Aaron that he had to pass the ball (aka, share) before he could shoot...
He wasn't too excited about the concept.

Aaron also showed us that he knows how to feed...
My friend Kristi got him a cute puppet reindeer that he liked to feed

We had a great time in Utah.
Hopefully we get to go back soon!

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