
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Seussical the Musical

I had an AMAZING opportunity to participate in Seussical the Musical! My stake this year decided to put on the production and it was an awesome experience.

I auditioned for the part of Mayzie La Bird and was disappointed when I was given the part of bird Girl #2 (of 9). I read in the email from our director that he prayed about each part so after my sob fest I decided to give it a shot... and boy was he right! Of the 9 birds, 5 of us were the "dancing and singing birds" and the other 4 were "singing birds". I had so much fun with the other 4 dancing birds and formed amazing friendships. I can honestly say that no one in the cast had more fun than we did. We laughed and joked and were onstage for almost every single number for one reason or another. We were the fair weather narrators if you will. We flipped sides all throughout the musical. I was given an opportunity to be an assistant choreographer as well. I got to choreograph one number all on my own, aid in choreographing others, and then teach the entire cast! It was so much fun.

It got hard at the end because if a number was struggling, they threw us bird girls in last minute. It got to where we were putting in 15 hours a week (and this was before dress rehearsals), but it payed off.

The performance was rewarding. It went sooooooooooooo well. No one expected us to actually pull off the production, but we did and it was a huge success! I had so many random people in the audience come up and tell me that they loved the show, that I was their "favorite bird" or the "most lively bird" or a whole slew of other compliments. I signed autographs and posed for pictures... Each rehearsal and each performance I came home - my head swelling with compliments, swimming in delight. I realized how much I miss dancing and how big of a part of me it is... I wish I could show you some videos, but I'm afraid all I have is pictures. I hope you enjoy them!

My Biggest Fans!

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