
Friday, January 20, 2012

Video Updates

I decided to not post a video of Aaron crawling because all the ones I have are a week old and he crawls so much better now! I'll have to get a new video to show you.

Eric showed me how to upload videos directly to the youtube site... the downside is that when I used Picasa, I was able to edit the starting and stopping points of the video - I guess now they are more "real" because you get the whole video; when I turned the camera on and when I turned it off!

This video is old, but it shows you how much he loves that shelf. Now-a-days, he can pull himself entirely on the shelf and run away from me when I try to get him down.

There is a picture of Aaron and Eli together above Aaron's bed - 
so, Aaron knows Eli's face and got SO excited when he saw him when we moved to Oregon.

Aaron was a little over zealous in playing with Eli...

Eric played the drums and then Aaron wanted to play too.
You have to listen pretty close for the sound because Aaron doesn't hit the drums very hard - 
I'm sure the neighbors prefer when Aaron plays to when Eric plays... ;}

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