
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Aaron's Amazing Achievements

So ... I've been waiting to do this post because I wanted to include several videos but ... back in Utah I used Picasa to upload videos to youtube but I can't seem to get it to even give me the option now, so I'll have to look for an alternative source for video uploadage - if anyone knows of a way to do it, let me know!!!

So, some things that Aaron has gotten really good at:

·        Eating - Aaron loves to eat. He'll take 8 oz of formula at a time and if we ever sit down at the table to eat and we don't feed him, he gets very upset. He has chosen his favorites and he has chosen his least favorites. He does not like vegetables ... sometimes he'll be good and eat them anyway -- other times he clamps down his mouth so tight that it is virtually impossible to get the spoon in; and when I do manage to get the spoon in, it is not uncommon for him to gag himself on the vegetable and throw it all back up. The first time I fought with this, I cheated and got out the hot fudge and gave him a bite of hot fudge and then a bite of peas... now I use pears or bananas. He doesn't spit much out anymore, unless he doesn't like it. In this picture, his face is messy only because he wouldn't hold still for me to get the bite in his mouth. Poor kid had lots of carrots up his nose. He’s also working on figuring out the wonders of Cheerios.

·        Crawling - He is so fast. I literally can not turn my head with out him being somewhere else the second I turn back. There have been times where I let him play on the floor in his room and run to put something away; by the time I get back, I can't find him... why? Cause he has managed to wiggle his way into the closet! I'll have to post a video sometime.

·        Sitting up - I wish I could show you the video of how he sits up. At first, he had to go from a crawling position  to laying on his side, then work his way around so his head was by his feet and then use his stomach muscles to sit the rest of   the way up - inefficient, but effective (not to mention hysterical the first time I watched him do it!
·        Playing the Drums – again, another one that I’ll have to post a video of sometime. We had to put away Eric’s drums before Aaron was born to make room for all the things we would need for the baby. One factor in selecting an apartment was that it would be big enough to fit Eric’s drum set. We waited until we had taken cookies to the neighbors and provided them with our cell number incase we were too loud before any drum playing actually took place. Eric played for the first time a few nights ago and Aaron simply sat in my lap and watched, entranced. When Eric was done playing, I handed him Aaron and Eric gave Aaron the sticks. He hit a few things with the sticks, but I think he’s more of a hand drummer… he preferred to not use the sticks. It was quite entertaining.
·        Getting mixed up where he shouldn’t – I’ve already mentioned how Aaron loves to take off to places like the closet… well, I also have to keep the door to the bathroom shut too! Aaron loves to take baths so if the door is open he’ll go straight for the tub. He loves to hang out on the lower shelf of the coffee table, even if there is nothing up there for him to play with and he managed to get himself caught on top of one of his toys. (yet another video to show you) He pulled himself up and then his hands and feet couldn’t reach the ground in order for him to get back down!
·        Pulling himself to a standing position – Aaron is too strong for his own good. He has found a technique where in the crib, he grabs ahold of the bumper, pulls himself higher to grab the top of the crib and pulls himself into a semi-standing position. His feet are too far away to be actually standing, but he slowly walks them in toward the side of the crib. He has yet to keep his balance long enough to get them all the way in – he falls over before he reaches that point. He doesn’t just do it in the crib, he’ll grab a door frame and do the same. Sadly, he doesn’t always fall to the side – sometimes his little hands slip and he falls toward the object he is holding onto and hits his head. He’s getting good at not crying though. He’s a resilient little bugger. Another video I’ll have to show you.
·        Being ahead of the game – Aaron has 2 teeth that have broken through his gums… he is no longer allowed to put my fingers in his mouth! One day, when he holds still long enough for me to get a good picture, I’ll show you.

1 comment:

  1. I love the stories and pictures! He is so cute, and growing so big!!! ;)


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