
Sunday, June 5, 2011


My birthing classes and my doctor have all warned me about nesting. They said it was going to happen at some point and that I should take it easy...

What they didn't warn me was that it was going to infect my husband before it infected me! It was really funny yesterday when Eric asked if the two of us could attack the house. We defrosted the freezer, cleaned out the fridge (like, took everything out, wiped the insides, the works!), cleaned the oven and microwave, organized the bedroom, deep cleaned the bathroom, did 2 loads of laundry, vacuumed the whole house (kitchen included), and watered the garden. While doing the dishes, Eric turned to me with a horrified look on his face and said, "I think I'm nesting!"

Finally able to take a breather, we sat down on the couch and suddenly Eric was up again! He saw cats in the front yard and went to chase them away from the flowers only to find that they had yet again crawled through and pooped in the flower bed. Determined to keep them out Eric looked up ways to keep them out via the internet. After mentioning chicken wire as an option to me I mentioned that perhaps we could make our own, or at least something similar. We have a futon that is broken and I thought that we could clip off the bed of the futon and fit it around the flowers so the cats can't dig up the dirt to make a spot for their dumping ground. Eric liked the idea so he made it happen. If our improv cat repellent doesn't work, the next solution involves me taking the bed of the futon and hot gluing tacks - sticking straight up of course. You may think I'm joking, but I am not.

Eric didn't let me help because it suddenly occurred to him that I wasn't supposed to be doing much anyway, so he made me go sit back down. He did ask me to make him dinner though which was really nice. He said that as good as the meals we received this week have been that he prefers my cooking. (aw!)

Needless to say, Eric is sleeping today. We are both pretty wiped out after our intense day yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. You two crack me up! Tyler didn't do the nesting thing, he just did the pregnancy weight gain!
    And I am so glad you are happy. I think it is okay to feel sorry for ourselves as long as we don't let it consume our lives! That is a little hard as you might know:) Hard for all of us!


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