
Thursday, June 2, 2011

The List of Don'ts

As I get closer to my due date it seems the list of "don'ts" seems to get bigger and bigger. I checked the list for something specific yesterday and was very excited that it wasn't on the list. I looked for something that says, specifically, "Don't chase after and kill any cats." I did not see that on my list anywhere. I saw "don't stand" and "don't sit" but nothing about not killing cats. So, since there are cat prints in my flowers and a dug up flower surrounded by cat poop, I plan on killing cats this weekend.

Just thought you should be warned. If you live in my neighborhood, board up your windows because this is WAR!


  1. sad so does this mean no maternity pictures?...

  2. i found the first cat deposit in my yard the other day. we should form a militia.


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