
Monday, January 10, 2011

Listen to what I'm saying...

I have a habit of feeling super guilty when I have taken someone's time or put someone out and so I go out of my way to avoid doing so.  Well, not everyone minds being put out and in Eric's case, he not only doesn't mind, but when he hears that I would like something, it becomes one of his life goals to accomplish it immediately. It doesn't matter how insignificant it may be (ex. learning I am hungry and getting me a snack or watching a chick flick with me), he is always super willing to do it.

My pregnancy has made many things harder but I still hesitate to ask him for something.  He can always tell when I need something though so he guesses until he gets it and then leaps into action.  Feeling that I am putting him out, I usually fight it saying, "you have other things that are more important," or "it's late and you must be tired." One of the most recent of these debates was over whether or not he was going to give me a back massage (I had been shoveling the walk way earlier and my back, shoulders, arms, legs, hands, etc. were all sore - thanks pregnancy...). He got fed up with my arguments and said, "You keep saying what you think I should be thinking, but listen to what I am saying...they are different!"

Eric is always willing and always puts me first, no matter what. I need to learn that it is a pleasure for him to help me and to let him do it.  He has made this very clear by using the phrase through different variations multiple times since he coined it 2 days ago.

Sorry there are no pictures - blog posts with no pictures are pretty boring... I'll play catch up soon!

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