
Monday, January 10, 2011

Let's Back It Up

So I usually blog at work where my computer does not have an SD slot and so most of my posts don't have photos. But Eric is doing homework and so I decided to upload some pictures... they go from most recent to oldest... I know there are a lot, but Eric found them on the camera and got excited. He suggested that I put them on the blog - when he wants to get involved in the blog, I obey!
Enjoy!  :D

Eric bought me a little Christmas tree for our house. 
The corner looks empty now without it.
This is a picture of Melissa that I took with the incredible zoom on our new camera

A crazy game called Twilight Imperium - I won!!!
Playing Battle Star Galactica

My Best Friend's Wedding
Elise, Amy and I

Christmas at the Hornibrooks! 
Mom on Christmas morning
Our camera has a function where if you smile, it will automatically take a picture - we tested it on Kelsey
...and on Dad
Katie saw the camera and started dictating what Eric was to take pictures of
Obviously Aimee couldn't be left out!


David and Emily came over for an intense game of Settlers of Catan.
Eric was a raptor in another lifetime...

Mom got a new exercise bike
For Dad's birthday, we did eggnog instead of cake - all the girls helped blow out the candle

The first "real" snowfall we were home for. 
Eric ran out to the street and started jumping. I finally figured out he was drawing a face!

My Halloween Cake!

Eric says spiders aren't supposed to be cute, but I think the cake is adorable!

Eric took a golf class, so we went golfing together...
He has to stretch before his phenomenal swing can happen
I obviously don't know the first thing about golf
Eric has these incredible power shots - I have a hard time keeping track of his ball
One major thing that Eric requested get posted is a story about how my balls never leave the ground.
On our last hole, he hit the ball and it was kind of a dud shot. 
Then it was my turn - I hit the ball and it rolled...and rolled...and rolled... 
Eric says the hole was about 150 yards away - and somehow my ball made it on the green - about 2 feet away from the hole!

Making a fort in our living room
We made Orange Chicken and watched Batman Begins. It was epic.

What happens when Eric and I make cookies
I started a frosting fight - and Eric wanted to try something different so he asked me to hold still...
Ice Cream + Football = Love

Bored at home
I was trying to figure out how to do my hair for the Open House we held in August
Don't worry, I was smart enough to let my sister-in-law Amanda do my hair

 Waiting for our shuttle to our hotel - it was SO humid the camera fogged up
Riding in the shuttle
A beautiful plot of land near our hotel
When we told the guy who gave us our room that it was our honeymoon,
he changed our room so that we could be closer to the ocean! 
This is the view from the balcony in our hotel room.
Eric and I brought a few games along with us to play
You can tell this is the first day because I am still wearing clothes...
It was so humid that the rest of the time, I walked around in my swimsuit and shorts
The ocean, just outside our building
The wind was so strong that the hammocks were hard to stay in - they flipped over a lot
So Eric and I shared a hammock because I kept falling out of my own
Eric was testing the timer on the camera
...or something
We went on an excursion to the jungle. This was a hut we passed on our walk
We went in a cave where the Mayans used to perform sacred rituals.
We had to take off our shoes

 There was a Mayan Shaman who performed a ritual for us
We rode bikes to the next location which was the ziplines
We went on 5 ziplines
Then came swimming in a cave

 We were supposed to repel down to the water. Using both hands you were supposed to slow your descent. The problem was that I was so light that I could let go with both hands and go nowhere - thus I had to feed the rope through the contraption and force myself down into the cave.

There was also snorkeling - Eric did that one by himself. I jumped in and then got back out.

 This is a picture inside one of the caves where Eric went snorkeling.

Eric decided to spin the walking sticks

I'm not sure what he was doing, to be honest

We went to an "authentic Mayan village" where we ate great food.
Being my first time out of the country, it didn't occur to me to not drink the water...
I got giardia
 Last of all on our excursion, we rode a crazy beast back to our van.

 Eric was SUPER tan at the end of our Honeymoon, and we finished the book And Then There Were None.

 Crazy adventures from when Eric first moved into our home - lots of yard work
 These are the ants....
 Our first zucchini from the garden

 The tree we ripped out and where it used to be
Our yard was SUPER overgrown with weeds and such

I am SO glad this tree is gone

These are all the snails I found... yuck!

I don't think I will ever fall behind on uploading pictures again! That took forever!

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