
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fun Date

Last Saturday Eric and I were bored waiting for an evening activity with my family so Eric suggested we go for a drive.  We ended up at the mall and went in to wander around for nothing in particular.  We goofed off in the game shop, imitated the funny-posed mannequins and danced to the music in the hallways.

The mannequins were pretty entertaining.  The way Eric described them was: "the girl ones look like they want some, that man looks like he wants to be tough, and the other guy just looks lazy!" The old man sitting on the bench behind Eric was in stitches as I went through and imitated each one stating how they were feeling.  The woman wasn't wanting anything, she was pregnant and the other woman had stomach pains.  The tough guy said "bring it" and the lazy man yawned.  After looking around to make sure no one was watching and making a pretense that he was embarrassed, Eric took my hand and we moved on.  Next time, Eric and I will dress up as the mannequins and take pictures!

I don't think Eric enjoys dancing with me much.  I tend to take the lead and try to spin him.  I jump so that he doesn't have to duck under his arm too much and then he turns and gives me a look.  I'm sure you know the one... he raises one eyebrow, cocked to the side, has a small smirk on his lips and humor in his eyes. Suddenly I get whipped into several spins in a row - it's his way of getting back at me.  The people in the mall were obviously cranky because we didn't get an applause.

After the mall, we decided to take a walk down memory lane. I showed Eric where I used to live, my elementary school, and we went to my favorite park as a kid. After teaching him how we used to play lava monster and my dad's tricks for getting us we went to go swing on the swings which was always my favorite activity. We got in a leaf fight and all around had a blast at the park.

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