
Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Crazy Job

Ok, here I am sitting at work, pondering the meaning of life (because that's what you do in your free time when you work for BYU) and I hear music from the Disney movie Robin Hood.  I walk out of my office to the front desk and discover that they are watching Robin Hood!  Laughing, I retreat back to my office and hear strange ethereal singing…  Turning to a coworker I asked “do you hear that?”  She reminded me that I work in the HFAC, there’s going to be creepy sounds all the time.  Unsure if she meant the building was haunted or that drama people are just plain odd I asked if there was a class below us and she said yes. 

What a crazy building!  Apparently I never know what I’m going to hear next.  I was warned before I was hired that we have eccentric faculty that swear… but that’s nothing compared to the spooky noises and Disney movies. (to be honest I wasn’t concerned about the swearing but the office felt it was fair to warn me)


I work on the 5th floor of the building and get lost all the time because when you enter the building you are on the 3rd floor.  Apparently there are 2 underground levels just like the Library (where I also get lost) so when I get told the open lab is on the 1st floor I go to the 3rd floor looking for it. You can imagine that my time at work is often not well spent as I spend more time wandering than I do in the places I am looking for.


I have only worked here a week and I can already tell you my favorite thing:

Lunch with my husband. 
He comes in every day and we chat while I work and we eat together. Before I had this job I took him to class in the morning and picked him up in the evening. With Utah having winter the way it does, I would take him to school while it was still dark and pick him up after dark.  Now we can see each other in daylight! 

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