
Thursday, September 29, 2016

The September Bombardment

This month was full of so many ups and downs. Some days, there were more downs than ups... But that's why God gives us limitless tomorrows. There will always be a tomorrow, granting us the blessing of starting over and trying again. On the hard days, I opt to take a mulligan, and tomorrow I will start anew.

We learned at the beginning of this month that Aaron needs glasses. His teacher has him sit at the front of the class, which is nice, but he could still use a helping hand. The eye doctor said first, that Aaron is among the 2% of children who have had surgery for Ptosis that won't need a second surgery (way to go Dr. Engen!!!) and second, that his eyes are just shy of 40/20 in his Ptosis eye, and just shy of 30/20 in the other - combined, they sit around 25/20. This means that if he wears his glasses consistently, his eyes stand a chance of fixing themselves and perhaps by the time he is 7 or 8, he won't need them anymore. Cool, huh?

Getting his glasses was a bit tricky as we had to go to more than one location. Luckily, both had suckers. Adelynn got one stuck to her butt at the first office - she learned at the second office that she actually likes suckers, and there was no need to spit out, and sit on, the first one.
Adelynn got ahold of my oatmeal when I wasn't looking ... she most certainly enjoyed it more than I did.
We had to wake Audrey to go to scouts (my first day as the Bear Den leader) and, well, that has a 100% chance to end poorly. When Audrey started freaking out, Adelynn went and found her tablet, brought it to her, and rubbed her back. Sometimes, I wonder how my heart is still beating given how often my children cause it to melt. Speaking of melting ... the ice tactic with Adelynn? Still going strong!
I don't know about "work hard," but this is the common, next day aftermath of my girls' version of "play hard." And yes, Adelynn has reached the I want to sit on the potty and do nothing stage.
Audrey and Adelynn received some gifts in the mail and, rather than ask why he didn't get any, Aaron sat down to "write" a thank you note to Nona, the one who sent the gift.
We would be wise to remember ... Sometimes, determination pays off ... and other times, it just makes things worse. Should have waited for the hubby ... #storyofmylife Don't worry, I eventually got it!
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Let's not talk too much about the quality of this picture - there is a chunk of time where some of my photos and videos went missing ... both on my phone and the online back-up. Bummer. Anyway, usually, Audrey puts away her laundry (she's really good at it, as is Aaron - hooray for less work for me!) and I put away Adelynn's. One day, however, Adelynn really wanted to help - which involved putting diaper covers on her head...
These girls are growing closer together with Aaron in school - and they transition into the three musketeers when he gets home. ***Triple A***
Adelynn watching Dancing with the Stars along side me ... getting inspired, and practicing to be on the show, I guess.
I love (so so so so so much) when Eric takes pictures of the kids. He took them to the park and then they played games at home.
I have no words.

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