
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Happy Birthday, Aaron!

We are so lucky to have this little man in our lives!

Aaron got to have his birthday date with Gramma on his actual birthday. He selected this epic race track while they were shopping. Lucky for him, Gramma and Grampa assembled it - cause that is an area where I have zero talent. That thing is never being taken apart ... just sayin'.
Aaron wasn't the only one entertained by this "windstorm."
For Father's Day, I got Eric and I each a sniper nerf gun. The kids have been, well, rather obsessed. So they got a joint gift of two guns. This, his Avengers LEGOs and the playmags (magnetic tiles), were Aaron's favorites.
The ideal birthday dinner. Aaron might be a bit in love with Costco food - pizza and a berry smoothie, what more could a boy ask for?! And, rather than me making and decorating a cake for him, he and Audrey decorated their own (whilst I shuddered in the corner observing their frosting rituals).
It all started out fairly harmless...
... just a few squirts here and there ...
... but it quickly escalated ...
The silliest part? My kids don't eat cake. Not kidding here, folks. They are "frosting-only" little munchkins. Not sure why I bothered making the cupcakes in the first place... (insert *eyeroll*)
I have no idea what I'd do without this kind, compassionate, smart, funny, perfect boy.

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