
Friday, June 17, 2016

Our New Home!

Oh man, guys - we found our new home! After months of searching and scuffles with our neighbors - we're finally out!

We found our home on May 28th. Since it was the weekend, and Monday was a holiday, we put in our offer on Tuesday, the 31st. It was countered and we accepted and started pushing ahead, full speed. Well, we got our keys on the 10th! Here we are at the signing and then our celebratory lunch at Chevy's.
 We opted to not rent a truck and use Eric's parents' trailer instead. The kids have been having a blast! And then they're worn out, so, win win.
 Here they are taking a break from some hard core bike riding on our new street while I worked on our new front yard.  
Even Adelynn is doing her part!
 We've been moving in slowly, but we finally feel like we've found our home - not just a temporary house. We spent our first night here last night and let me tell you, it was incredible to wake up to this home and not our old house!

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