
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Bass Family Visit

Oh man, we don't get to see the Bass family nearly enough! Washington is much too far away!
Emily surprised David with tickets to the Basketball game in Portland, so they came down and let us watch their 3 kids for the evening! We then spent time together after the game :)
It is ... very difficult ... to get 4 children looking at once, haha.
But here's Audrey, Eli, Aaron & Tanner! 
 The kids enjoyed dinner, playing, movie watching, and then they wanted to make maps - so I pulled out our craft stash and they had a blast! Aaron and Eli worked together on each other's maps and as they drew, they'd tell the story of what was happening. Those two stayed at the table for almost 2 hours. 
 Eric is so patient as he teaches Audrey the correct way to hold her writing utensils! 
 I love how focused Aaron and Eli are ... and how excited Tanner is!
 Tanner and Audrey fell asleep while Aaron and Eli went to solve mysteries with the legos and the maps they created!
 And here are these two little ladies! Adelynn is 3 months older than Charlotte, but they are surprisingly close in size!
Come visit again! Our door is always open!

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