
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Surprise Weekend Getaway

A few weeks ago, Eric's parents offered to watch our kids for a weekend so we could have a break.
I asked Eric what he wanted to do and he said he had a few ideas but each time I tried to learn what those ideas were, he was super vague... so I let it go thinking he just wanted a quiet weekend at home.

Well, Friday morning, he presented me with a packing list, haha! And boy did he do well - he basically had me pack something for every occasion so I had no idea what was going on!

I dropped the kids off, picked him up from work, and we headed out to dinner and did a little shopping.
 Then we buckled in for a drive out to the coast through the fog and rain - it was so cool!
Eric got us a hotel on the beach - right on the Rockaway Beach. It was gorgeous! We watched a bit of a Dota 2 tournament and then while talking, Eric learned I had never seen Anchorman so we rented and watched that - such a silly movie. Yeah, I packed us matching lounge shirts... like a boss!
This was our view when we woke up. Breathtaking!
 We made breakfast together and went on a long walk along the beach - Eric even offered me a ride! 
 We then headed to the Tillamook Cheese Factory - though we stopped at some viewing points along the way.
  You can't go to Tillamook without getting ice cream!
 We got home yesterday afternoon, neatened the house, and had a quiet evening alone.
Eric's parents brought the kids back around noon today and then all 3 of them fell asleep.

Life . Is . Good

Thank you for the fun surprise getaway, Eric! I loved every second of it!!!

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