
Friday, December 4, 2015

Uncle Dave's Funeral

Eric's Uncle Dave (Ane's brother) passed away this last week and we had the opportunity to attend his funeral.
It was really neat because he had pre-arranged his funeral with Precoa so it was exactly how he wanted it and the family was able to grieve rather than rush to plan. They read something that went along these lines: Next, Dave asked that each of his children and close friends say a few words about him. He asked that you be nice ... and if you can't be nice, then simply bear your testimony. It made us all chuckle to see his humor in his funeral. He selected to have his wife play a song he loved on the piano and other musical numbers as well.
What a special event!
 I gave birth to several goofballs and married a goofball - I wouldn't have it any other way! 
 Dave requested that Eric be a pallbearer. It was a special moment as Eric helped carry Dave out of the chapel.
  It was fun to see Eric's extended family at the event and to witness the love and care that was expressed. Ane's brothers and sisters sure loved my kiddos and enjoyed spending time with them.
After the funeral, my little family escaped to Eric's parents home to use the hot tub. Audrey decided on the way that fruit bars are for smearing on your face, not for eating.

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