
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Our Utah Trip

I can't believe it's over!
This has definitely been one of the best trips we've had to Utah, ever!
I had over 2000 photos and videos to sift through - I'm not kidding... Trigger happy much?
Thank you to my dad, Mikayla and Thomas for sending me their pictures and videos!
I did a few posts with isolated events from the trip, but here's the rest of the good ones!
When we got in from the airport, we treated Thomas, Melissa and Kenny to bowling and dinner! 
 We played lots of Rocket League and Towerfall. So much fun!
Everyone loves how Adelynn snuggles! Even the dog who would sit beside her, lick her face, and come find me when she would cry. Seriously, he'd park it next to me until I started to follow him - he'd make sure to not get too far ahead and stop outside her door.
Adelynn really bonded with Nonna - all of the kids did, really!
We loved how we got to just enjoy time together as a family!

Aaron and Tom are best buds - seriously.
One morning, Tom thought he could sleep in ... and Aaron was getting antsy! So I suggested Aaron wake him. Mikayla helped Aaron break into Tom's room and wake him! Aaron jumped on him - I heard it was grand!
They also played a ton of LEGO's!
Nonna taught Aaron how to drive the wheelchair! He loved it!

My parents let us treat them to lunch at Sizzler. Mmmmmm. Mikayla watched A&A so we could go!
Tom's best friend, and a good family friend, Wilson came over lots to get his baby fix - and his Dota 2 fix.
Another good friend, Braden also came and the kids were all about making sure he felt welcome...

Everybody getting in their snuggles!
Lots of attention! My kids were in heaven!

All about snatching Papa's chair!
Laura and Audrey really connected over make-up and nail polish!

My Grandma and her husband came over to visit and see the kids!
Matthew was all about Adelynn... He loved telling her she is pretty and snuggling up to her!


Audrey was a bit obsessed with getting people to color with her... So much so that if they wouldn't come, she started a countdown!

I snagged some VR headsets from Google for free and we let Craig try it out. He was impressed.
Gotta love when kids fall asleep on you!
We loved playing games with family!
Audrey: Come here puppy ... I hold you!
I went shopping at Cozy with Mikayla the day before I went on Good Things Utah - I mentioned to the store owner how Cozy is my favorite store and I make a point of visiting it every time I come to Utah. So she gave me a free hat :)
Kristi and Alaina hosted a dinner for friends. We are so glad we got to go and see everyone!
Alaina and Kristi also came over to visit individually and see my kids!

Niki had her birthday while we visited! We loved attending her party!
Eric could tell his body needed a cleanse and decided to go for a run. He asked Craig if he wanted to join and Aaron also jumped on board. They went and ran sprints, in a field, covered in snow. It was quite the workout! When they came home, they made Snow Angels and Aaron asked me to take a picture!
The girls and I had fun watching for them to return.
Audrey loves pretending to be a monster - but she doesn't want her victims to get too scared!
I love how she tells him to "calm down!"
Audrey wanted in on all of the video gaming action!
We played so many games and it was such a blast! Even Craig played!

Growing up, my dad used to talk about how he wanted to teach each of us how to build a computer and then we build one together. He'd say how it was one of his dreams.

While most of us know how to do it now, we all pitched in and bought him a new computer for Christmas - then we all assembled it together!
We were up so late that night, haha. We got a little loopy - and had fun!
Craig was showing us some of his muscle training techniques - one was hula hooping - so I naturally had to see if I can still hoop with 5 hoops at once (each hoop being thrown on top after I got going).
The answer is, I can, huzzah!
We also all got down and did some raised limb planks (that's what I decided to name it - very technical). And then more video games before bed.
We loved all the snow that fell. Again, my apologies for the blurry pictures. I kept thinking I'd fixed it - until I see the pictures on the computer :( However, I did fix it part way through our visit - so there are some non-blurry ones too!
Audrey in my old snow suit! Love it!

What is it about eating snow? Seriously, ew!

I loved playing in the snow with the kids!
Hot chocolate after playing in the snow!
Can you tell when I fixed my camera?
I love how these 3 became such good friends!
We loved our trip to Utah and are heading back home! See you all again soon!

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