
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A True Blessing

This morning, all 3 kiddos were sick and Eric himself wasn't feeling well. He spent the morning trying to feel at least a bit better before heading in to work. After some extra sleep, he finally felt well enough to head out. As he was driving, the car in front of him blew a tire - smoke and all! Eric pulled over and helped the driver.
But he didn't just help, Eric went above and beyond as he so often does. The gentleman he helped sent this note to him later and I thought I'd share it. 


You’re a true gentleman. Thank you for noticing my tire problem, following me off the freeway, offering to help, taking my flat spare to Les Schwab to get it pumped up, returning it (and me) to my car, helping me get the flat off my car and mounting the spare, and joining me for lunch afterward. I would still be there without your sharp eye and willingness to devote the bulk of your lunch hour to assisting me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Great to learn about your 4 ½, 2 ½, and 6 mos.-old children, your father’s successful battle with cancer, the history of your family's company and your brother’s early appointment as CEO. All great stuff.

Replacing all four tires tomorrow. Saving the best one for the spare.

You’re a true blessing,


I love how he calls Eric "a true blessing." How well worded that is. 
Eric, you are a true blessing, and we are all lucky to be a part of your life!

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