
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Our New Yard!

A friend of mine re-did her grass and had some left over that she was giving away. I accepted it and after ripping out grass and laying down the new material, I decided it was time to do the entire yard!
I found the same type of grass on craigslist, the exact amount I needed (150zq/ft), for $35 ... so why not? The kids "helped" me rip out the old grass (which turned out to have a dead layer of sod underneath which is why it was so patchy!), "helped" me pick it up in the van and then "helped" my lay it all down. 
Helping by having a snack of greenbeans and making dirt angels :)
While I was working on ripping out our grass, Aaron asked if we could make a sand castle. Out of dirt? I explained dirt doesn't stick together like sand and it simply wasn't possible. He responded, "we can at least try..." So here he is with his dirt castle - there's a leaf on top for a flag and everything. This kid has so much wisdom - what an inspiration for me to try even when I think that what I want to accomplish is impossible!

 During the process of ripping out the grass, it started to rain. I was almost done so I plowed through and finished... but apparently the kids decided to go in without me and "wash up..."
 However, the finished product is gorgeous!

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