
Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Annual Precoa Picnic!

It's that time of year again!
Seriously, I look forward to this picnic starting the day after the last one ended!

This year, I went out to get a pedicure with my Precoa Bestie, Taci!
Eric got the kids ready and brought them down just in time for the picnic to start!
This year, they had a rock-wall and a petting zoo!
 Aaron and I had a blast on the rock-wall!
 I think we might have to buy Audrey a pony - seriously. She went a few rounds and when we pulled her off, her only comfort was that we took her to see the goats and sheep. 
 I love how the picnic is also a time that Aaron gets to see his cousins!
 Aaron had 4 snocones and 8 cookies ... I just let him run around with his friends and I doubt he has fonder memories than today! He was having so much fun! We also won in the drawing, again! 3rd year in a row (We've gotten soccer goals, restaurant gift-cards, and a chore chart). This year was a Spiderman doll!
 There were lots of people willing to hold Adelynn and give me a break (special shoutout to Nicole, Jake, Taci & Wendy! You guys rock!). She went right to sleep sucking those two fingers, haha!
See ya next year! I already can't wait!

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