
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Dave Matthews Band Concert!

Oh man, seriously ... one of the best vacations ever - hands down.
And we owe a lot of people who helped make it happen!
Eric's mom took all 3 kids during the day on Friday.
Amanda took Adelynn over night and all day Saturday.
Tyler, one of Eric's friends from work, took Aaron and Audrey Friday after work, over night, and all day Saturday.

thank you!!!

We had such a blast!
 We dropped off the kids and headed on our way! I colored my hair purple on the tips and wore my leather pants - it seemed appropriate for my first concert!
 We're mature, I promise :)
 Look how close we were! I bought those tickets the first week of July and hid them - and it was worth it! All for this stud! 
We enjoyed listening to the two opening bands and chatting. The couple next to us left and the person beside them as well - which was nice since the people directly in front of us could have touched the moon simply by standing on tip-toe! So tall!!! It was nice that we had room to spread out and see the whole stage!
 Isn't that area gorgeous?!?
At Eric's request, I begrudgingly add this little series of photos he took - he finds it absolutely hilarious.

 Everyone around us was standing, so we did too - why not?
As I stood, wrapped in Eric's arms, swaying to the music as he sang song lyrics in my ear, I thought to myself, "I find myself hardpressed to think of a happier memory..." but then it occurred to me that perhaps I felt that way because I was breathing in second-hand weed (and a whole slew of other things) ... lol. But, I can guarantee it wasn't the drugs talking- it was truly a magnificent experience!
 We spent the night in a hotel right off of a lake! So, in the morning, we went for a walk around the lake before heading to iHop for breakfast - there was a party of 20 in front of us ... I was tempted to pull the fire alarm. Luckily, they seated us first!
After all the things I was breathing in the night before, I might have felt a bit hammered at breakfast...
 Then came the long drive home. I give up on insisting we are mature - because, obviously, we aren't!
 I absolutely LOVE Eric and I'm so lucky that I get to spend each birthday with him!

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