
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Cousin Camp!

Aaron got home from Cousin Camp today, and to say he had a BLAST would be an understatement!
(Every summer, Eric's parents do a Cousin Camp - this year, they did one for the boys and one for the girls! This is Aaron's first year being old enough to go!)

I dropped Aaron off to Grampa and away they went!

I gave him a backpack full of clothes and he wanted to bring his solar powered lamp/nightlight. He has been running around with a backpack ever since he got home, just in case! **Update from 2 months down the road ... he still carries a backpack full of clothes, just in case he gets to go to cousin camp again!**

The boys each got a new train set, they got to pick berries, ride on the boat, take a trip in the RV, play on a home-made slip n' slide, and have a sleep-over!

We clearly can't wait until next year!
I can't get enough of his excited faces

All the ducks in a row, haha!
Heading to get gas in the RV, just for the experience of riding inside! The boys LOVED it! 
Sometimes I wonder ... will my muscles ever look as defined as the ones on my 4-year-old?
Aaron called this part "the nature walk" and it's probably the part he talked about the most...
Just exploring with his cousins :)
They needed extra hands on the boat, so Eric got to join in the fun!
Seriously, Aaron can't wait until next year!
Well done, Gramma & Grampa!

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