
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime?

More fun play-dates (though, the rocketship out of a box ended up being a cooler idea to me than it was them - they weren't very interested in decorating or playing in it)
At the park!
 Audrey's hair is wild thanks to her rubbing diaper rash cream in it!
So she borrowed one of the other kid's hats (she's very obsessed with them these days)
 Sometimes, after the other kids in our playgroup have all left (and I won't get in trouble with their Mama's for promoting this) A&A go run through the sprinklers. 
 I could seriously snuggle Adelynn all day!
At the same time, it's fabulous how content she is to just lie beside me and hang out!
 Sometimes, I wonder if Eric and I have more fun with the legos than Aaron does...
Here are some of our cooler creations
 It's a shame I didn't get a picture of my spaceship I made (it was so cool that Aaron assumed Eric had built it), but here's the Pirate Hideout and Pirate Ship that I made along with Eric's awesome truck! (the back opens up for cargo) We play with these every day, haha!
 We might be a bit proud of the things we create ;)

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