
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Happy Birthday Aaron!

I can't believe this adorable little man is 4!
I did some interviews with him where I asked him some questions.
Here are the videos:
I would have answered a few of them differently (simply from observation) like his favorite heroes being The Avengers and favorite movie being Big Hero 6, but it's cute to see how he felt in the moment of the interviews.
Interview questions and answers: 
  • Age 4
  • Favorite Color - Blue
  • Favorite Food - Chips
  • Favorite Super Hero - Batman and Spiderman
  • Favorite Movie - Care Bears
  • Who's in your family - Mama, Daddy, Adelynn, Audrey
  • Favorite thing to do - Play with cars
  • Best Friend - Audrey
Aaron wanted to have cereal and milk for breakfast with Daddy, play with balloons, have a picnic for lunch, eat Taquitos for dinner and have s'mores instead of a cake.
Love this kid!
  He got Lego's, movies, and a bike for his birthday! We simply can't stop talking about the bike - he loves it so much! So much in fact that he's decided he needs to stop eating so he won't grow and stay little forever in order not get too big to ride his bike. I'd be ok if he was little forever!
 Here's his crazy helmet hair! 
Operation birthday was a success!

1 comment:

  1. So fun! How do we have 4 year olds, Jessie?! Who let that happen?


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