
Friday, July 31, 2015

Into Portland!

Portland kinda scares us...
There's just too much going on. Lots of people. One way streets. Too many options...
But, we ventured in for dinner before a movie (Jurassic World) tonight!
Look what we found next to our restaurant, Old Spaghetti Factory.
We had to hike down to the river (you can see how steep it was in the picture of Eric) but it was worth it!
(yeah, never mind the fact that I wore heels - I made it down, like a boss!)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

My Little Monkeys

What a crazy day today ...
We had a park play date, a telephone doctor's appointment, and then an actual doctor's appointment...
 It was 105 degrees ... SO HOT!
Look at that stylin' diva in those glasses! 
 At the doctor's, it was a 35 minute wait in the waiting room and 25 in the actual office.
It was crazy.
The kids found numerous ways to entertain themselves.
Aaron collected all of the magazines, hid behind a curtain, and then I heard this:
Hi kids! I'm going to read you a story!
Ok Daddy! What story are you going to read?!?
Well, I'm going to read one about space!
haha - he even switched from a deep voice as the "daddy" to a high pitched one as the "kids"

Aaron also entertained Audrey by singing to her. 

Then they decided they wanted to be monkeys - literally...
They went and pulled out a bunch of gloves and put them on their hands and feet.
It was hysterical. I loved how obedient they were!
Me: "Come on little monkeys! Stay out of there!"
A&A: "Ooo Ooo Ooo Ah Ah Ah! Ok!"
They have such amazing imaginations! I love it!
I had zero to do with this idea. I didn't realize it was happening until the gloves were already on their little feet!
They wore their gloves out as we went to the pharmacy and everyone got such a kick out of it!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Adelynn Giggles

Adelynn is the only baby to give her first giggle while Daddy was around.
He was so excited, haha!

This Is How We Roll

This is how we do our shopping :)
I have to be careful to keep an eye on the cart - if I stop to look at something, after a while, I'll notice Aaron has used his hands to roll the cart halfway down the aisle. sigh

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

One Year Older and Wiser Too

... at least, we hope they are wiser ...

Aaron and Audrey had their 2 & 4 year doctor appointments today!
I can't believe how big they're getting!

Here are the stats:
Height - 3' 4" (45th Percentile)
Weight - 35lbs (45th Percentile)

Height - 2' 9.5" (35th Percentile)
Weight - 25lbs (30th Percentile)
 They did great - even with their shots. Audrey said "leg hurts" a ton and Aaron was simply saddened that they had poked him - how rude!

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Aaron Hornibrook Amazing Adventure

 Me: Whacha doin' Aaron?
Aaron: I'm getting ready for the Aaron Hornibrook Amazing Adventure!
 Me: Oh. What is that?
Aaron: First, I have to dance with the Princess!
Aaron bows with an arm behind his back, a leg out, and a hand extended to the Princess
 Me: Oh, that's very sweet! What comes next?
Aaron: I need to gather my things!
Two backpacks, a satchel, and a pirate basket all stuffed to the brim later...
Me: Wow, that's a lot of things! Where are you going to go?
Aaron looks at me like English isn't my first language and I'm confused
Aaron: To Papa's house, of course! Come on, Audrey! Let's go!
Audrey: Kay!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime?

More fun play-dates (though, the rocketship out of a box ended up being a cooler idea to me than it was them - they weren't very interested in decorating or playing in it)
At the park!
 Audrey's hair is wild thanks to her rubbing diaper rash cream in it!
So she borrowed one of the other kid's hats (she's very obsessed with them these days)
 Sometimes, after the other kids in our playgroup have all left (and I won't get in trouble with their Mama's for promoting this) A&A go run through the sprinklers. 
 I could seriously snuggle Adelynn all day!
At the same time, it's fabulous how content she is to just lie beside me and hang out!
 Sometimes, I wonder if Eric and I have more fun with the legos than Aaron does...
Here are some of our cooler creations
 It's a shame I didn't get a picture of my spaceship I made (it was so cool that Aaron assumed Eric had built it), but here's the Pirate Hideout and Pirate Ship that I made along with Eric's awesome truck! (the back opens up for cargo) We play with these every day, haha!
 We might be a bit proud of the things we create ;)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Growing Big and Strong

Aaron's lunch prayer the other day went like this:
"Dear Heavenly Father. I'm grateful for mama and daddy and Adelynn and Audrey. Please bless this food to help us grow big and strong. *pause* Except, I don't want to grow big, I want to stay little... So, not grow big, just strong please. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

I am all for that wish! They are getting big so fast!
Here's a bit of what we've been up to:
Lots of park play dates!
 Aaron always wears a superhero shirt so he's easy for me to spot.
 My friend, Jamie, from high school is in Oregon for the summer for her husband's internship!
She and her son Benjamin came for lunch one day. Benjamin and Adelynn started out next to each other, but soon they had somehow scooted closer and intertwined their arms. So cute! 
 Adelynn is getting great at lifting her head!
 She also loves baths and takes forever to eat because she keeps coming off the bottle to smile!
Aaron has a habit of finding the tomatoes that ripen in our garden before I do... Helmet hair and all!
Aaron came to me one day and said, "I'm going to give you a booty on your face!" He then proceeded to squish my cheeks together... Man, the lingo sure has changed when I was a kid.

The blackberries came out early this year because it's been so hot!
The kids learned quick to not eat them until they are black... :) We've made lots of great cobbler!
Aaron and I love doing crafts together. Here's one we worked on!
 Sometimes I wonder why I bother shaving when I get a free wax - courtesy of Audrey and Princess Sofia...
The kids LOVE reading scripture stories with Daddy at night - so much so that they read them on their own during the day too! We've been reading in Alma and the other day, we were driving and Aaron hollered, "MAMA! I just saw King Benjamin!" Now I'm curious what kind of oddly dressed person he saw - because I'm pretty sure it wasn't a Nephite King...
We love riding our bikes outside (and Audrey on the Lightning McQueen before she had her bike).
We go out every morning for hours! Aaron adores when his neighbor friends, Anthony and Alonso come out to play. He knocks on their door and asks daily if they can come out.
But even though he likes his friends, he loves his sister. They were all getting ready to race, and (not that his friends wouldn't be careful - they always are) Aaron yelled, "Ok, we can race, but if Audrey is in your way, GO AROUND HER! Do NOT hurt Audrey!" He's so protective!
When it's raining, I pull the car into the driveway and the kids ride in the garage.
 Aaron created a "tow line" to "rescue the princess." He also decided he was going to mow the lawn for me - and then Audrey wanted to help as well :)
 Today, Aaron's friend, Daniel, came to play and he brought his bike (he hasn't been wanting to ride it and we were hoping if he rode with Aaron he'd enjoy it more). It wasn't long before Daniel decided it was too hard and he was done. Aaron then declared, "You have to ask Jesus in a prayer to help you, and then he will!"
 We might be extremely obsessed with brushing our teeth... 
 We've loved that I'm feeling well enough for playdates again! 
 Aaron received a "thank you" card in the mail for the gift he gave Daniel for his birthday. He was at first so excited and opened it. Then he became sad when he asked me where Audrey's card was. When I told him she didn't get one, he was even more sad. I asked him what we could do about it and he raced to the library to draw her a card so she wouldn't feel left out. So sweet!
 In the hammock at Gramma's
 Audrey is getting great at using her words, so much so that when she uses one, I feel obligated to give her what she wants ... she learned this very quickly and is now asking for cake all the time! 
Audrey: Mama, cake please?
Me: Sure. Aaron, do you want some cake?
Aaron: No thank you, I'd like to keep playing with Adelynn.
Look at that smile he got from her!
 Sometimes, I just don't have the energy to say no, and I have to let her be creative... 
It's easier to clean up later than to deal with the tears when I say no. Plus, she was having so much fun...
 Aaron got more tracks from my parents for his birthday - he loves it!
I remember the days when I could safely commit genocide on the ants invading my laundry room without being concerned that my children would open the powdered, chocolate, breakfast drink and eat it straight. At least they started with a plate and spoons...
 Eric is teaching Aaron to read (sight words) and he's getting good! More on that later though, since I don't have it filmed. They are also working on (in "class") his hand dexterity - making sure he can control his hands in order to learn to write his letters better. They are doing this through coloring, and Aaron is getting really good! It's great to see the patience he's developing as he does this!
Adelynn is talking, all the time. And I love it!
We seriously love the summer time!