
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Our Anniversary Weekend

I seriously can't believe it's been 5 years! 
It feels like the time has flown and yet it feels so right to be married to Eric that I can hardly remember life before!

Yesterday,  I went to Precoa to pick Eric up for our date (and to show off Adelynn).
It was fun to see everyone and to see all the work that's gone into the home office transformation that Eric was a big part of!
 We took all the kids to Eric's parents home and had planned to go golfing, but it was so hot that we decided to snuggle in a hammock and talk about life on a trampoline.
Then we headed to dinner...
Really, you can't fault us - the convertible was just sitting there, so we borrowed it for our date.
 We went to Oswego Grill (the one in Wilsonville) and our waitress brought us a HUGE banana split with strawberries and pineapple to help us celebrate!
 We went back to get Adelynn from Eric's mom and headed to Rainy Day Games where we picked up a fun card game called Star Realms. Eric was very kind and let me win the first game. I've won a few games solidly since then :) We also rented the movie The Imitation Game which was fantastic!

When we snuggled in to watch our movie, Eric pulled out this year's rose.
Isn't it gorgeous?!? It's a 24k gold foil rose. It amazes me how each year he finds a rose so distinctly different from the others he's given me. I love it! He even got me a stand for the rose this year in hopes that it won't break... (roses for years 2-4 have been broken either by children or house guests... even when I think they are in a safe place, they aren't. Though I have all the pieces from the roses!)

Adelynn decided to give us a great gift - she slept from 10:30pm - 6:15am. That's 8 hours my friends. But, she only wanted a bottle. I didn't even pick her up - and she went back to sleep until 10:30am.
This afternoon, I had a lunch date with my friends Emery and Samantha.
Eric went to pick up Aaron and Audrey and then we all headed to go swimming!
 The kids did so great! In past years, they have both been afraid to let go of us in the water, but this time they both set out on their own to swim! Aaron would go under and come back up saying, "I've been under water for days!"
As for Adelynn, she slept the whole time... 
 Even I got in ... despite the water being cold ... though we have Eric to thank for that (dragging me deeper till I got used to the cold...). After swimming, we went back to Dan and Emery's home for some Super Smash Bros! Dan kicked our butts... We're a bit out of practice.
Then, our day still hadn't ended!
We still had to head back to Precoa to get Eric's car.
Might as well play some games while we're there!
 Adelynn finally woke up while we were there (she slept aaaaaaaaaall afternoon and she's asleep again now). Growth spurt perhaps? 
Eric and I had such a blast. I really am such a lucky girl to be with him!
Thanks for marrying me!

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